A place of wonder and horror..
Meltdown altert
Published on September 25, 2006 By Emily In Democrat
In case you missed it, former president Bill Clinton had a melt down on Fox News Sunday after being asked why he didn't do more to go after Bin Laden. Amongst his various false claims, Clinton claimed that "neocons" were saying he was "obsessed" with getting Bin Laden and provided an anti-terrorist plan to the Bush administration.

So does Clinton, like so many liberals, hold the intelligence of the American people in such low regard that we wouldn't see the lie in his statement? Or was it just fresh meat for the zombie far left?

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on Sep 30, 2006

Clarke didn't think Clinton was obsessed with Bin Laden. Quite the contrary. 

And Clinton was suggesting that it was congressional Republicans who argued he was "obsessed" with Bin Laden.

on Oct 09, 2006
Feel free to find a quote from a Republican that argued he was obsessed with Bin Laden.

Interesting. The way you word this means you would only accept an argument if a Republican was directly quoted as saying he was obsessed with specifically Bin Laden. While that is more difficult to do based on the specificity of your request, you can see in the wider range that an argument is made by some Republicans that Clinton used the '98 strikes as a diversionary tactic and that the threat was trumped up (you'll see in some of the quotes linked that the lawmakers specifically mention 'Wag the Dog')

First an article showing that some Republicans agreed with Clinton and some didn't...
WP story from 98">Link,

A short list of lawmaker quotes can be found:
1st Link
2nd Link

In case you don't want to go through the links, I'll show a quote here.
GOP Sen. Dan Coats: Coats, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement, "While there is clearly much more we need to learn about this attack [on bin Laden] and why it was ordered today, given the president's personal difficulties this week, it is legitimate to question the timing of this action."

Based on the evidence, you have to believe that there was an element of the GOP that believed that Clinton should not have attempted the strikes in 1998. Again referring to the 1st article, there was also a significant element of the GOP that supported Clinton's strikes against Bin Laden.

Gingrich dismissed any possibility that Clinton may have ordered the attacks to divert attention from the scandal. Instead, he said, there was an urgent need for a reprisal following the Aug. 7 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
"Anyone who watched the film of the bombings, anyone who saw the coffins come home knows better than to question this timing," Gingrich said. "It was done as early as possible to send a message to terrorists across the globe that killing Americans has a cost. It has no relationship with any other activity of any kind."

As always, the truth is more gray than the black and white both sides want it to be.   
on Oct 10, 2006

Nothing you wrote above even remotely implies that Republicans thought Clinton was obsessed with getting Bin Laden.

I have a secret for you -- Clinton...he tells lies.  Often.  Sometimes he even gets caught in them. This was one of those times.

on Oct 25, 2006
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